Coming Soon!

Coming Soon!
A Christian Guide
through the Miraculous Process of Divine Healing
Coming Soon!
Published by Mercy Sky, LLC.
Spring's Coming is an in depth, Bible-based study on the miraculous process of Divine Healing, providing readers with a Scriptural account of the physical and spiritual healing properties of God.
This book lays down a foundation of biblical HOPE for every reader going through long-term illness.
Presentation Kits available for
group Bible Study leaders!

An Interactive Bible Study Guide
"This Bible study has opened my mind, heart and soul.
[It has] richly blessed me and helped me to let go of all my pain
that I had built up for years." - Michelle
Welcome to the website of Christian author and speaker
Dawn Dyson
Dyson has a beautiful writing voice,
and some of the poetic musings on the nature of humanity and the world
that she inserts periodically are breathtaking to behold.
This is a heartfelt novel that will appeal to the hopeless romantic in every woman.
San Francisco Book Review
If you’re looking for a good spiritual uplift, Mason Michael and
indeed the entire “Beautiful Justice” series will be a balm for your soul.
Portland Book Review




For One Hundred Thousand Souls be Saved, Save Me...
Five Star reviews internationally.
Published by Creation House.
Discover the journey of the Beautiful Justice Trilogy
and explore the 1000 year rule of Christ.
REVIEWS of the Beautiful Justice Trilogy
Powerful... I've never read anything so spiritually powerful before in my life! - Courtney, Amazon
I have been in tears, found hope, discovered answers to questions I have wondered and yet knew. It has been "deep calling unto deep" and has entered into the deepest core of my spirit where God speaks to me. I am in awe of [Dyson's] descriptions of the deep things of the spirit. There has only been one other author...that has touched me to the core like [Dyson has]... I will certainly continue on with the remainder of [her] books. I am so blessed from reading [her] book. I cannot tell...enough of how it has affected me. I appreciate [this] work from the depths of my writing heart. I love words but [Dyson has] gone beyond words into the depth of God's love. All I have been taught in my life in my Pentecostal heritage is now alive to me once again. I have known what [Dyson has written], in my spirit, my entire life. Now I see it. Thank God for [Dyson] and [her] words. - M. Thomas, Facebook
Dawn Dyson has a wonderful gift from God to create this series... - Mlou, Amazon
Dawn Dyson has an amazing writing voice. She is truly a master of words, and the way she crafts her words, sentences and paragraphs into this great, meaningful and amazing story, is nothing short [of] a miracle. Bella Maura doesn’t just force its readers to continue reading, to turn page after page after page eagerly anticipating what’s coming next – it also challenges its readers, dares them to think out of the box, to think about their own part in life, their own connection to God, to define what is good and what is evil. That’s pretty much what all great books do, and Bella Maura truly is a great book. - Majanka, Criminologist and Master of Law
I was taken in and couldn't put this book down. Bella Maura drew me closer in my Christian walk and encouraged my soul. What an incredibly talented writer... - R. Wonderly, Amazon
This Bible-based, Christian devotional
is conveniently arranged by week date.
Each entry provides inspirational commentary
by Dawn Dyson, along with digital links to the
Bible verse being studied.
This devotional is an excellent way to start your day!

A Digital 52-Week Christian Devotional

New Release!

New Release!
A Christian Guide to Overcoming Spousal Abuse and the Condemnation of Divorce
Available now!
Published by Mercy Sky, LLC.
In her latest release, Dyson leads readers on a brave and biblical journey of division from sin to unity with Christ.
The Black Ceiling encourages overcomers to walk beyond what they have known into a brand new life full of the promises of God.