“So they went out and preached…” Mark 6:12a

Cuba is a little over a hundred miles from the United States of America (Florida) but is often neglected as a sought-after destination for American travelers. Though the people have little regarding material goods, they are open to the Gospel message of Christ and the Christian leaders within, in churches both large and small, declare their love and zeal for God with unhindered boldness and passion.
During my first visit, several images stood out to me:
The Christ of Havana gazing across the waters to face the statues of war.
A dilapidated hospital and an ambulance with no supplies.
Illness and hunger mixed with prayer and worship.
The tears of joy when one person encounters an ambassador of Christ from another country.
Can one make a difference in a country so overcome with hardship? Yes.
One relationship that bipasses barriers, one kind gesture or smile, one small word translated at the right time and place in the grace, mercy and healing power of our Lord Jesus Christ can change a life forever. With regard to Cuba, or any place the Lord calls us to… GO. And make the Lord disciples. You are an epistle read of all… God speaks miraculously through the spaces created by our differences.
Please read Mark 6:6-13 today and consider where the Lord might wish to send you.