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Five Star Reviews Internationally 




This Bible study has opened my mind, heart and soul. [It has] richly blessed me

and helped me to let go of all my pain that I had built up for years. - Michelle


[Dyson's] books stir something inside of me...

Causing me to yearn for a more...spiritual relationship with God. - Kayla


I've never read anything so spiritually powerful before in my life! - Courtney


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Spring's Coming
Coming Soon!
The Black Ceiling: A Christian Guide to Overcoming Spousal Abuse and the Condemnation of Divorce


In her latest release, Dyson leads readers on a brave and biblical journey of division from sin to unity with Christ.


The Black Ceiling encourages overcomers to walk beyond what they have known into a brand new life full of the promises of God. 


God hates divorce, but He loves us. A primary aspect of the Christian faith is the knowledge that Christ paid for our redemption in full. What the enemy means for harm, God truly works out for good.




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Miracle: An Interactive Bible Study Guide


Do you need God to do a miracle? Many Christians do! The problem is not with God. It is with our FAITH.


This Bible study is an eBook with links to Bible verses, original Greek, specialty video, and more! It is designed to help Christians navigate the most difficult spiritual material they will ever face in order to reach their Divine Destiny. All God has to do is a miracle!


Perfect for individual study or groups. Group leaders are encouraged to purchase the corresponding Presentation Kit. 


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Sought Out: A Digital 52-Week Christian Devotional


This Bible-based, Christian devotional is conveniently arranged by week date, or Bible verse, with digital links so that you can access the verse being studied in various translations, within the context of surrounding verses or chapters. 


In addition, occasional links are provided to:  

− Help you study definitions of key terms; 
− Lead you to additional commentary from other viable     Christian authors; and 
− Inspire you in creative ways. 


Bella Maura

Book One of the Beautiful Justice Trilogy



Bella Maura is a love story. It emphasizes intercessory prayer through the eyes of a child, in that we should all pray with full love and innocence. This story helps the reader live with their heart wide open, as all love relationships on earth are metaphors for Christ and His Bride. The notion presents family as being the Church, and life as the wall-less building it is housed in. This book will reawaken your love walk on every level.​



Justice Quinn

Book Two of the Beautiful Justice Trilogy



​Justice Quinn is designed to help readers overcome great difficulty and come into a beautiful life. The story line illustrates God's Providence in all situations. The goal of this book is to instill a sense of faith and justice in the heart, mind and soul of the reader, never giving up hope that God's reasons and purposes for life situations work out for good.



Mason Michael: The Heaven Projection

Book Three of the Beautiful Justice Trilogy



Mason Michael is Dawn's personal favorite of all the novels she has written so far. It brings the reader to a heavenly mindset, considering what the 1000 year rule of Christ might entail. It instills bravery in the Christian reader. The characters are based on Ms. Dyson's own family bloodline, with ties to Scotland.  


Mercy Sky



Mercy Sky is the first novel written and published by Dawn Dyson. She began writing fiction when she was Saved in 2001 as a way to process the changes the Lord was making in her life. This book was written as a hobby, published primarily for family and friends. The story is historical fiction, yet the reader can detect the influence of the Bible in its pages. ​



All novels listed are available

through any major online bookseller.  

REVIEWS of the Beautiful Justice Trilogy

Powerful... I've never read anything so spiritually powerful before in my life!   - Courtney, Amazon

I have been in tears, found hope, discovered answers to questions I have wondered and yet knew. It has been "deep calling unto deep" and has entered into the deepest core of my spirit where God speaks to me. I am in awe of [Dyson's] descriptions of the deep things of the spirit. There has only been one other author...that has touched me to the core like [Dyson has]... I will certainly continue on with the remainder of [her] books. I am so blessed from reading [her] book. I cannot tell...enough of how it has affected me. I appreciate [this] work from the depths of my writing heart. I love words but [Dyson has] gone beyond words into the depth of God's love. All I have been taught in my life in my Pentecostal heritage is now alive to me once again. I have known what [Dyson has written], in my spirit, my entire life. Now I see it. Thank God for [Dyson] and [her] words.   - M. Thomas, Facebook    

I never would have guessed [Dyson was] a new author. [Her] style kept my overly analytical mind

engaged.   - Dr. Cara Bainum

Dawn Dyson has a wonderful gift from God to create this series...   - Mlou, Amazon

Dawn Dyson has an amazing writing voice. She is truly a master of words, and the way she crafts her words, sentences and paragraphs into this great, meaningful and amazing story, is nothing short [of] a miracle. Her writing style totally charmed me, overwhelmed me even, and left me very impressed. She puts grave thoughts, and life-altering questions in her novel with such ease that I, as a reader, was hardly surprised by all the questions this book kept asking me. 

Bella Maura asks questions about the meaning of life, about the existence of evil, about the goodness of another person’s heart, about spirituality, God, and more things that we hardly stand still to think about, but are important parts of our day-to-day life. We deal with good and evil on a daily basis, yet we never stop to think about the very nature of good and evil. And the thing with Bella Maura is that, where in other novels I might be repulsed by such questions, and disregard the novel as being either too spiritual or too difficult and nerve-wrecking to continue, now I didn’t. The beautiful narrator’s voice, the distinctive and recognisable characters, the undeniable sense of love that this novel radiates, is more than enough to keep on reading, to ask yourself the questions this book challenges you to ask, and to do all of that without even a hint of annoyance. Bella Maura doesn’t just force its readers to continue reading, to turn page after page after page eagerly anticipating what’s coming next – it also challenges its readers, dares them to think out of the box, to think about their own part in life, their own connection to God, to define what is good and what is evil. That’s pretty much what all great books do, and Bella Maura truly is a great book.   - Majanka, Criminologist and Master of Law 

[Dyson's] books stir something inside of me, causing me to yearn for a more and more spiritual relationship with God. I find myself pondering her words long after I've finished reading.   - Kayla, Amazon

I was taken in and couldn't put this book down. Bella Maura drew me closer in my Christian walk and encouraged my soul. What an incredibly talented writer...   - R. Wonderly, Amazon

I absolutely love these books...   - C. Thompson, Amazon

Absolutely beautiful love story... Ms. Dyson's writing is lyrical; it's as if she is painting a picture with words. The book is poetic, almost song-like in its rhythm and flow...   - T. Jones, Amazon


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What God Joins Together: A Bible-Based Premarital Curriculum



Marriage is designed by God for His purposes and He requires His place as the central element of this divine relationship. Dawn Dyson's Christian premarital program is flexibly designed for pastors counseling premarital couples or for couples who wish to take the course independently. It can also be used as a refresher course for married couples.


This curriculum is structured over the span of 6 to 12 weeks and will provide a biblical overview of marriage from God's perspective. It assists the couple in forming a relationship based on scriptural patterns seldom taught in classes using standardized premarital assessments. This curriculum is an investment in your lifelong relationship which can be sealed with the promises of God Himself.

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Please consider purchasing the corresponding Presentation Kit and leading a group Bible study.


May God bless you!

The Lord answered me and said,

Write the vision and engrave it so plainly upon tablets

that everyone who passes may read it as he hastens by.

For the vision is yet for an appointed time and it hastens to the end fulfillment;

it will not deceive or disappoint.

Though it tarry, wait earnestly for it, because it will surely come;

it will not be behindhand on its appointed day.


Habakkuk 2:2-3 (AMPC)

Scripture quotations taken from the Amplified® Bible (AMPC), Copyright © 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by The Lockman Foundation.

Used by permission.

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